Took a somewhat unexpected trip to Bristol today, never a bad thing. So how do you make the most of a trip like that? Buy records of course!
I wasn’t on my own so just visited a couple of shops that happened to be on the route we were walking.

I was passing Astro Vinyl, never been in before but was met with pleasantries. A small but interesting selection of records, could have bought a wide selection but settled for a few unique 12” inches.
The last RSD (Record Store Day), I had planned for an early start to ensure getting ‘Burned’ by ‘Electrofixion’. Originally released in 1997 but for the first time on Vinyl last weekend. Life threw a curveball and I was unable to make it, efforts to track down the record down have been without success …. so far!
I made a stop at Rough Trade, not been to the Bristol one in a while, had a good wander round, touched or flicked though at least half, found a record I’ve been meaning to for a while, got to the till and remembered RSD!
”You don’t by any chance have ‘Burned’?

A quick search and “We have one left!” It’s now in my ownership, happy days, thank you Rough Trade and the friendly young lady who served me.