Attitude! Attitude! ATTITUDE! They smiled, they scowled, they sang, they screamed one second as if performing a nursery rhyme then punching the air and contorting like an Alice in Wonderland villain! Maybe it was the white outfits with thick frills and corsets along with the doll like movement choreography that at times made me think…

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The Dangerous Summer

Dangerous to my ears maybe, loud! But a case of who cares, they were headlining a small tour and loving every minute. A great band I follow, great songs, great melodies, just a great balance of sound which when given a live stage is amplified, in a great way! Gloves are off, the melodic guitar…

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Cold Years, Hot Night!

Went in cold (metaphorically as only had a quick Spotify listen on the way there), came out with a playlist, signed record and a plus ticked on my Spotify. They were a great live act that im pleased i’ve seen. Towards the end he said “we’ve only got two songs left, these will be high…

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Interrobang‽, an agitprop post-punk band formed in 2012 by ex-Chumbawamba lead singer Dunstan Bruce along with ex-Chumbawamba drummer Harry Hamer and ex-Regular Fries guitarist Stephen Griffin. ‘The interrobang is a combination of the question mark and the exclamation point, and is used to convey an excited question.’ ‘The interrobang is a printed punctuation mark (‽),…

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