According to an article in the Daily Mail yesterday, a study reveals that more than half of Brits enjoy playing music in the office, but it divides opinion as the ‘more than’ is only a 3% difference.
The article states – The research by Fora – a provider of premium and flexible working spaces – revealed that some 53 per cent of Brits enjoy listening to songs and music whilst they work. Two-thirds (66 per cent) of these say it creates a more fun work environment and over half (53 per cent) feel it helps with productivity and enjoy having the background noise.
So what’s your preference? Now the article goes into information about the increase of headphone usage post pandemic and other stats but what it does not allude to is the age of those surveyed? How many of you had parents say “how can you concentrate on your homework and listen to that at the same time” or something to that effect?
This is Generational
Well that’s what I think anyway. My parents would never have considered having music on in the office! They were the Silent Generation and Baby Boomers. Gen Z are complete opposites – analysis reports that screen time for Gen Z is an average of seven hours and seven minutes per day (+6.5% in one year), and 49 hours and seven minutes per week. And they own AirPods!

The article states – Some claim it boosts productivity and creates a more ‘fun’ atmosphere, while others say it is a distraction.
I’d hazard a guess that the 53% of those surveyed were on or below the ages of 25-30, the 47% are mostly comprised of the older workforce that did not grow up with this but a more traditional conforming, don’t rock the boat office experience, not the ease of access to music, streaming, battery life on personal devices, hybrid, you need to create your perfect environment attitude of today.
The article states – Some claim it boosts productivity and creates a more ‘fun’ atmosphere.
I went to Art College, studied Graphic Design at University, have worked in that creative field since with pretty much music or radio on every day and would 100% agree with the above statement. However, when an idea is elusive, or I need to concentrate, the music sometimes has to stop. Just like as a kid when I was in the car with my dad and as he drove into the town centre, roads got busier or he had to park, the car stereo volume went down or even off as “he had to concentrate”. I do that now, to my horror, in the studio the younger element look at me or moan under their breaths the same way I did as a kid when my dad turned that volume knob counter-clockwise.
The other modern problem is what to play? My first place of work just had Radio 1 on all day so the music was just their daily playlist plus there was an entertainment buy in with the DJs. Gen Z don’t listen to daytime radio, do they? They don’t even want to take responsibility for the music that’s played, nor do they want to suffer my playlists, no matter how good! “they don’t know what they are missing!” Most just look, smile, AirPods in and sit in their own musical worlds.
They walk to college, university or work with their AirPods in, they sit in class or the office with AirPods in, they talk to friends with AirPods in, they workout at the gym AirPods in.
So more than half of the British enjoys playing music in the office? How many just go AirPods in?