Well, I hope others were luckier than me, I hinted in a previous post that after not being successful in the first ballot I was ready and waiting at 8.55 to hit get tickets expecting a queue but at that exact moment i got a white screen, it thought I was a bot like it did many others, maybe due to my brand new Ticketmaster account as the other one ive used for years decided to update my password the night before and to this day has still not sent me the authorisation code.
Anyway, it thought I was a bot, gave me a white screen then after a few refreshes it added me to a queue to even join the numbered queue which I never made it to. After about 40 minutes and seeing friends sending images of those queues not moving I relinquished my position and to ease the annoyance bought tickets to 2 other gigs this year.
No surprise I did not receive an email for this ballot, obviously as I had not been in a numbered queue which I find a bit harsh but within the rules so no sour grapes. If I had sat for the hours some had I may have got there but hindsight is a wonderful thing as we all know as so be it. Ticket money well spent on 2 gigs and an anniversary record, not the Oasis one as I have a never played Definitely Maybe signed by Brian Cannon from Microdot, the designer whos handwriting is the Definitely Maybe font, which i’m more than happy with.
Plus I saw High Flying Birds close up and Liam not that long ago at a festival, thats what I keep telling myself anyway. Good luck to all still in the Mix. 14 million after 1.4 million tickets last time so the odds are better this time around I guess.