“I wanted to build an experience where anybody can be completely themselves, with their friends, their family or completely on their own. BLUDFEST will blur the lines of genre and destroy the limitation of imagination. It will be a festival that cuts the corporate bo****ks and is all about the people.
“My plan is to take it worldwide but this summer is the first one and it’s gonna be something no-one has ever seen before in the UK.”
Count me in! Tickets (plural) bought!
Yes pretty much every news page, feed, blog has mentioned this, I have other festivals booked as like many its a way i like to spend occasional weekends of my summer but this sounds to interesting and fun to miss, the lineup so far is enough of a draw.
When I read the socials and the name YUNGBLUD pops up its always marmite in the responses, but hat fits the character, it fits the narrative. Its a narrative I like and the music backs it up, if your not convinced just listen to the latest track – When We Die (Can We Still Get High? by Lil Yachty and YUNGBLUD, then try to argue your point. What a first lyric “Does Heaven have a dealer? Do they sell the love for cheaper than in Hollywood?”
The lineup looks great, YUNGBLUD obviously, LIL YACHTY who i’m definitely looking forward to seeing after some listend following the afore mentioned single. SOFT PLAY, who ive been a fan of since Song Machine by Gorrilaz, add THE DAMNED, nothing more need be said there, ICON slot achieved. Nessa Barrett, Lola Young, Jasmin Bean and more to be announced.
I’d only ask why have you NOT bought a ticket! – https://www.aegpresents.co.uk/bludfest/