I often do as it was a time that massively shaped my musical appreciation that still lasts today for a number of genres.
I came across an article in the NME from 21st August 2014 which got me reading. It’s entitled 50 Forgotten ’90s Bands Who Prove ’90s Indie Wasn’t Just About Oasis And Blur. It’s a great article and a fitting title in 2014.
Of course it sent me down a Spotify rabbit hole which is still continuing! 50 is a lot! A good few I still listen to, a fair few I’ve seen live, there’s a couple I’ve never heard of !! A couple releasing new tracks as we speak and a questionable one hit wonder. You can make your own minds up who those are.
One omitted from the list and still a personal favourite of the time I still revisit on occasion is Airhead.
The album Boing!! came out in 1992 reaching no.29 in the charts, I googled that for extra information, and yes the two exclamation marks are part of the name not by me for effect!!
I remember hearing ‘Counting Sheep’ on the radio, Sunday charts and just connecting with it, the vocal, the melody just clicked. It reached no.35 in the charts in 1991. The album introduced me to ‘Funny How’ which was released earlier but had only reached no.57 hence the miss and ‘Right Now’ plus other tracks.

I was a fan, short lived but it left a lasting impression, was it indie or would you consider it pop? It was a guitar band from Maidstone who achieved some success but that was enough for me.