Young Culture – The Joiners, 22 Feb 2024

First on of three, with a crowd that obviously knew how good the support acts are and were not going to miss out. I cannot remember when The Joiners was that busy that early.

Young Culture thanked those in attendance for turning out early to support but thanks wasn’t needed, this crowd was dialled in and waiting. 

Hailing from Albany, New York, and active since 2015, Young Culture comprises of vocalist Alex Magnan, guitarists Gabe Pietrafesa and Troy Burchett. 

They took no prisoners, just took to the stage and were off. The crowd bounced from the first note and didn’t stop. Rousing, upbeat rock, pop-rock at times but it didn’t stop gritting its teeth, rock music for the modern generation that feels optimistic. A band that obviously loves performing, personalities coming over which isn’t always easy. 

The audience new the band, new the words and was in full voice, a 200 strong backing vocal! The only negative I can think of from the night was it wasn’t long enough, I wanted more!