We flew in from the Canaries the morning of Bludfest on a 2 hour delayed flight literally wheels on the ground at 2.18am, drove home, walked dogs, got to sleep at 6.15-ish then drove to Milton Keynes for 2pm via a Vinted pickup of a T-Shirt ordered while I was away to join the Bludfest spirit.
Wasn’t missing this one, made a bit more special as we ended up with a spare ticket which we gifted to someone we’d never met who really needed it then as she was on her own joined us for the entire day, a new friend made.
Arrived at 2pm parked by the east entrance and was greeted by a queue that had not moved in 2 hours, turned out the main entrance was very quick, the east entrance was not but nobody was told over there so we missed Jazmin Bean, Lola Young and Nessa Barrett! (you have all read the news!!) As we were stood queuing on the motorway bridge until a helpful police lady said walk 15 minutes to the other side you’ll fly through, so we did, shame security who were walking about were not so switched on?
Made it to the main stage via the merch stand. 3 t-shirts in hand we were in time for The Damned, although we had missed the first three acts for me this made up for it, Paul Gray, Dave Vanian, Monty Oxymoron, Rat Scabies and Captain Sensible complete with the original beret from TOPT put on a great show in the ‘legends’ slot, pleased to hear ‘Elouise’ live finally.

Next up was Soft Play, I’d been looking forward to seeing them live and they did not disappoint. The pit widened quickly and was soon surging with some casualties, as much to do with the heat as anything else. They smashed through an energetic set in the late afternoon sunshine whipping the crowd up from into a mild frenzy. I saw a good few families with kids backing off quickly as the crowd bounced as much up and down as off each other.

Lil Yachty was up next, calming proceeding in a good way, the American rapper bringing his distinctive style and heavy bass to the bowl. Clicked with a lot of the crowd, not with all but respect was due.

Then …… time for Yungblud
The video screens either side of the stage showed a welcome to Bludfest speech then backstage footage as he walked out to flame pyrotechnics, the heat of which could be felt at the back of the bowl. He made his entrance then grinning, bouncing, swearing and running were in abundance, he just doesn’t stop! Like a crazed goth energizer bunny in a skirt and make up!

Arms in the air, middle fingers in the air, bounce with me, look to your side, make a friend, it was two hours of great great music intermixed with thought provoking community inspired chat. He did the invite on stage to play and gave a guitar as in previous shows even bringing on two past recipients, the girl chosen seemed at home on stage moving with the guitar alumni from previous shows and YouTube so not sure if we witnessed a stage ‘bit’ or not but gave a great rendition of ‘Fleabag’ so who cares.

He fired through his set list relentlessly much to the crowds appreciation and as expected inviting Lil Yachty on stage for an awesome performance of ‘When we die’ then a fantastic rendition of ‘Breakfown’. The tempo was up then down but mostly up! A high energy gig that was a joy to be in attendance of.
Bludfest, he did it, and aside from getting in on time it was a great day, didn’t make it into The Hawley Arms, the east end pub built especially for the day but I know the real pubs well so will survive.
Regarding The Hawley Arms, great idea to try to bring a bit of Camden to the event. If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion? Next year open early, I know there’s all the setup but open in the morning and have a proper market, sell the merch and get Etsy sellers or something like that selling from market stalls, get some characters, jugglers, street artists, graffiti walls, more buskers and have a morning happening while the audience arrives. Sell breakfast, have an alcohol ban till 1pm (sorry but yes). The pub can be built while this goes on the day becomes an event the queuing is easy the memories are massive.

It came it happened, there will be kickback over queueing that can’t be avoided, missing 3 of the 7 acts due to waiting outside will need answering somewhere but that sits with the Bowl.
Looking forward to Bludfest 2