The Stereo MC’s brought there distinctive brand of Hip Hop and Electronic dance to Southampton, much to the delight of a packed crowd at The Brook. I’ve seen them a number of times in the past at festivals and earlier this year supporting the Happy Mondays but to see them in such an intimate setting was a joy to behold.
No support act, that was taken care of by ‘Gimmie a Break DJs‘ who put on a great set as people were arriving and then waiting for the band to appear. A great blend of old school hip hop and dance.
When the time came, Stereo MC’s just walked on stage into spotlighting and the beats started, a beat that at time punched you in the chest, at times made the floor actually vibrate and tremble. Two hours and two encores of classic Stereo MC’s tracks dating back to the early nineties.
It’s hard to believe that ‘Connected’, their breakthrough album that reached No.2 in the UK charts was released in 1992 as this music still feels as fresh as it did back then. Yes the live set does play with the sound and arrangements but never deviating that far from the original. You can’t help thinking if this was released now it would still be as popular, this hip hop is timeless!

Rob Birch is a master of what he does, so well rehearsed and in control, the connection to the rest of the band looking effortless in its execution. He always looks so focused, controlling so much from his effects box. The DJ at the back unassuming and faultless, the drummer / percussionist adding that extra layer and Cath Coffey is the perfect foil with a voice that just mesmerises. Rob Birch staked the stage in his own way, moving side to side with such, often stepping up on the monitor when adding extra intent to the lyrics.
A couple of times he addressed the audience. There is an upstairs balcony in The Brook with table seating and a banister type safety rail so sitting and watching a band is easy. He suggested there were still some people sat down “stand up and dance” was the suggestion. Those on the main floor level needed no such prompting, it’s hard to believe anyone would not want to stand and dance in their own way such was the essence of the performance. (take a look at the YouTube clip below, more on our Tik Tok channel.
The setlist speaks for itself! Just awesome track after awesome track!

All in attendance looked like they had won their own private lottery, faces of glee and excitement, conversations already raving about what they had witnessed before they managed to leave the building. Just an awesome night.