Shed Seven Instore – Southampton

Shed Seven at the Vinilo instore in Southampton

I do like a good instore, commonplace now for bands. Intimate yet relaxed and that could not be more true than yesterday for Shed Seven at Vinilo in Southampton. I’ve done a few now and I know the hows, dos and do nots, best place to try to stand etc. This was however, my first lunchtime instore which fitted in the day nicely.

Shed Seven were last at Vinilo as recent as January this year for an instore promoting their last album ‘A Matter of Time’. This set of instores is promoting the ‘Liquid Gold’ release and preceding a sold out tour later this year. Rick Witter describing ‘Liquid Gold’ as a love letter to the fans and a thank you for years of support.

Doors opened at 12.30 with a music starting time of 1pm which they hit perfectly, the need to drive to Resident Music in Brighton straight after was a good timekeeper. The instore was sold out, so 150 fans filled the music shop and found their best views, the band on a foot high riser making that easier. Not the full band but Rick Witter singing with support from Paul Banks on guitar and Rob Maxfield on bongos and percussion. The rest of the band were there to help promote, meet and sign the records which was good to see.

A four song setlist comprising of ‘Getting Better’ which opened proceeding perfectly, ‘Going for Gold’, ‘Your Guess is as Good as Mine’ which they wrote back in their twenties and was a B side to Speakeasy and they had to finish with a great rendition of ‘Chasing Rainbows’ supported by everyone in attendance.

There was great banter with the crowd, someone clapped early which Rick jumped on in good humour and he acknowledged the younger audience in attendance even making a big deal out of a poster a young fan had hand made. It was quick but great as with all these events.

The signing came next, an orderly queue filtering through and plenty of time for everyone to get a bit of banter from tall members of the band and photos as well. A well organised event and looking forward to the next one.

Liquid Gold is likely to get the Number One album spot this week.

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