Just putting this out there, I love the support acts so always arrive a bit early as you never know who you might see, obviously you know the name but that name in a couple of years’ time could mean a very different thing. So, I support them!

I’ve been aware of Shame for a while and bought the Drunk Tank Pink album on Vinyl when it was released back on the 15th of January 2021? Was it that long ago? I knew what to expect up to a point and was looking forward to it. Some band when the play support at large stadiums for huge name can disappear on stage and seem like a side act, this is not one of those bands, they rose to the occasion and put on a fantastic set.

8 songs of energy, stage presence and bravado. Post Punk, Indie Rock, Suns out, shirts off and a bass player running back and forth, even a crowd walk.
Just to add, there is a new album : https://shame.world/