I’ve always been a big believer in turning out for support acts it’s where it all starts, the evenings and the bands futures. I tend not to search and listen I like the surprise like when I holiday in a new destination I avoid the pics in the brochures, I want to see and hear it unhindered by my preconceptions. I love being wowed!
King Nun did just that! At the beginning before they came on, I counted 34 guitars on stage racked and leaned then two of King Nun carried on their own, let the sound commence. A drummer, bass and three guitars were let loose, and let loose they did. I looked at those with me and my first words “F#%K YES!”. To sum it up, it was like taking Biffy Clyro, The Pixies, a shaking of Placebo and put them in a hardcore barbed blender with a F£&K off big sachet of youth and originality, I give you King Nun, they played fantastic they have the songs and they itself is an eclectic selection that on second streaming.
The morning after was the gift that kept on giving! Touring in February!

Word and Photos by John Whalvin