This band is fan favourite, singer Ollie Baxxter thanking all for coming to see the band, it was the audience thanking them.
From Virginia, USA, the latest incarnation of Broadside now consisting of Ollie Baxxter on vocals, Pat Diaz on Bass guitar, Dom Reid, on guitar and Jeff Nichols on Drums.

A pop-punk outfit well rehearsed not just with great songs but on how to put on a great show, energy! The first stage dives of the evening and shifting mosh pit started during their set and I always like seeing a band that can catch a flyer audience member and not lose a beat. A welcome piece of advice needed or not to be nice, catch or pick people up.
Like the other bands of the night they definitely had their followers, a 200 capacity crowd singing along to every track, bouncing, pointing, just in the moment pure enjoyment.