Black Grape – The Engine Rooms, 2 Dec 2023

Everyone’s alright Paul, everyone’s good.

When the Happy Mondays album ‘Pills ‘n’ Thrills and Bellyaches’ was released in 1990 it helped define a generation. Yes I know it was their third album but that one was everything. 5 years later ‘It’s great when you’re straight’ had the same impact, for me anyway. Once again it felt like we were hearing something new., something special! Shaun Ryder had done it again! ‘Their musical style fuses funk and electronic rock with electronic programming and samples’ it was infectious. An album of brain worms you didn’t want to get rid of! The brain worms haven’t gone away, they’ve just got better with age. It’s Meerkat music, every time I hear it my brain perches itself on its back feet sits back feet, front feet in the air nose held high looking around. 

I couldn’t have been happier walking into The Engine Rooms in Southampton last night, I’ve been looking forward to this night for a long time, It did not disappoint! The band took to the stage immersed in a royal blue neon glow, Shaun Ryder and Kermit walked on as casually as if they were just sauntering up to a bar to order a pint. Kermit spoke first “Good evening, is everybody alright yeah?” Answered by Shaun Ryder “Everyone’s alright Paul, everyone’s good.” All while a harmonic essence of ‘In the name of the father’ sounded out. A bit of banter between the two continued then Kermit stepped to the front and the opening song burst into life, that’s where the gig stayed! Hit after hit surrounded tracks off the forthcoming album which did not feel out of place, they felt as fresh and impressive as the old favourites. The new album is going to be good!

It’s a dynamic duo on stage bouncing off each other effortlessly, Ryder and Kermit both sounded as good as ever, the quality and the energy reciprocated by the crowd. An older crowd very good natured, proper fans out for a great night. No standing like sardines and if you went to the bar you could easily pass through the small sea of people and return back to find there was still space to return to. I spent most of the gig up front as usual but did spend a few moments at the back where young and old where singing and dancing along, the sound travelled, so did the energy, the vibe! Simply awesome!

Happy Mondays are touring soon and with Ryder on this form, they will be events to behold! Black Grapes brand new album Orange Head, will be released on DGAFF Recordings on 19th January 2024.

Words and Photos by John Whalvin

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