Discogs in Picture Format

This morning on a record collectors Facebook group, a tiled image of a record collection appeared and it turned out to be a members record collection on Discogs. Here is the link I’ve been on Discogs for a few years, mainly to buy a few records I cannot find elsewhere, but recently started using it…

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Got my hands on it!

Wasn’t hard to get was just busy so had to wait for the man in his van to drop it round. I’ve been heavily streaming it already. Kneecap, Fine Art is a must have. Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap, and DJ Próvaí have built up a notoriety for themselves which hasn’t been seen in Irish music…

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It’s Vinted Vinyl

Like many out there I can’t help scanning ‘Discogs’ for my ‘Wishlist’ of records. I don’t share the list as it’s ever changing and to be honest more of a mental list. This week I bought for the ‘list’ and a record not on it as such, an opportunist purchase. Not from Discogs, I got…

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