John Whalvin

Twin Skeletons at the Railway

The title to this post may make no sense but the night did. Twin Skeletons is a four piece originating from Bath are on their first headline tour. Their bio “Their sonically diverse music provides an intriguing and addictive new sound to the current alternative rock scene as it serves a large range from singalong…

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Office Music

According to an article in the Daily Mail yesterday, a study reveals that more than half of Brits enjoy playing music in the office, but it divides opinion as the ‘more than’ is only a 3% difference. The article states – The research by Fora – a provider of premium and flexible working spaces –…

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The Dangerous Summer

Dangerous to my ears maybe, loud! But a case of who cares, they were headlining a small tour and loving every minute. A great band I follow, great songs, great melodies, just a great balance of sound which when given a live stage is amplified, in a great way! Gloves are off, the melodic guitar…

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Cold Years, Hot Night!

Went in cold (metaphorically as only had a quick Spotify listen on the way there), came out with a playlist, signed record and a plus ticked on my Spotify. They were a great live act that im pleased i’ve seen. Towards the end he said “we’ve only got two songs left, these will be high…

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Poznan Blues

A wide variety of posts appeared last week when the one and only Noel Gallagher ignored the Poznan celebration and it went viral pretty quickly with many joking he’s too cool for that, even brother Liam stating on X “Poor Behaviour”. The main take from it was the many posts stating it’s the new album…

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